General safety  

Contents: At WUR we value your safety. Therefore many measures are taken in order to facilitate a safe study in Wageningen. And although all these measures are in place still one of the most important factors for a safe stay is YOUR behavior and knowledge of these measures. Therefore the General Safety course is mandatory for all new students at WUR. This course will introduce you to safety at Wageningen University & Research. We'll cover a broad range of topics to prepare you for a safe stay at our university: - house rules for working safe at WUR; - in case of emergency: how to respond to emergencies; - computer work: how to prevent complaints on arms, neck and shoulder (CANS/ RSI); - where to seek help/ assistance. Learning outcomes: After successful completion of this course, students are expected to be able to: have a basic understanding on how safety is managed at WUR; know the difference between risks and hazards; can report accidents and incidents; know which general rules apply regarding safety at WUR; know which factors contribute to an ergonomic workspace; can adjust the computer workspace to work ergonomically correct; know how to act as an active bystander; know how to give and ask for consent in social engagements; know where to seek help.
General safety

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